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  • Writer's pictureFair Planet

Earth Day: How is Israel helping the environment?

Shoshan Haran is in the business of helping out, around the globe, by exporting know-how nurtured and

developed here to lesser privileged parts of the world. To that end, a decade ago, she founded Fair


After gaining a PhD in plant protection from the Hebrew University, she won a Fulbright grant for a

postdoctoral fellowship at Rutgers University, New Jersey. She spent 11 years working in research,

various areas of technological expertise and intellectual property for Hazera Genetics, an Israeli global

leader in the seed industry.

One bright day she felt a change of professional tack was in order, followed by an epiphanous moment

when she realized that it was all well and good developing high-quality seeds for agricultural use, but

wouldn’t it be a good idea to make them accessible to those who need them most?

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